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May 31, 2006
Life is insane. The insanity never stops. Oil wars. The battle of the sexes. The generation gap. Global warming. Hate crimes. Crimes of passion. Serial killers, child rapists, corporate raiders. Toxic waste. Walmart. It never stops. Nothing ever really gets better. The bullshit flows from the podium and the pulpit down to the hungry masses. The masses are asses. They hungrily eat it up so they regurgitate the bullshit and go to war over it.May 22, 2006
It occurred to me today as I was working that it's been a while since I had to kick the living shit out of anyone for mouthing off to me. I have a wife. I have a house. I have a business. I have friends and hobbies. I have plans. So is life good? Who the fuck knows. All I know is I have enough to keep me going for a while. But then again, there could be some drunk ass redneck idiot motherfucker just waiting to run me down and end it. Fuck it.May 17, 2006
I've been a busy boy. I've had a lot of shit to do at the house. We had Bunny and the boys come in to rewire the whole goddam thing. I wasn't gonna do that at first, but fuck it. I can't plug a goddam thing in without running new juice. Fuck it. I don't care. I'm in and I'm going all the way down with this thing.May 09, 2006
So we ran into Little Miss Do and her pops. We met up with them at the Smith. It was cool. GB's mom and dad and Mr. Do were a fucking riot. GB likes to start fires like that, having his folks run into each other in public places. It's fun to watch.May 03, 2006
This trip was more than I bargained for. GB is goofing off it, but I've hit the wall with this shit. We set up our meetings and it's just been go, go, go, and go some more since we got in. We've had shit at the hotel, we've had meetings all over this fucking city. And what's up with this DUMBO shit? Fuck those stupid artist fucks. They've got all kinds of webbers out here, why'd they call us in for some stupid, lame-ass shit that anyone could for them. Plus, I'm just not impressed with their "art". Sorry. Yawn. Next.