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January 31, 2005
All fucking day long I looked for a work space. I had to go all through Cedarville and the Westside. I think I may have found a few. One of them is legit but will cost about $300 a month. The other is a complete fucking rathole that should be condemned and probably doesn't even have decent electricity or running water. I'll probably take that. I'll have to figure out if I'm going to keep this or loft it. I'll probably loft it. It would be easier to loft a shithole than anything legit. Heat's the only problem but I think I have a solution to that. I hope it rains again soon so I can check it for leaks.January 28, 2005
Some idiots wrote me a bunch of emails today about some other idiot. I guess that's what I get for taking over a blog. Glad the blog straightened it's ass out. I knew the code would flush overnight. Hopefully all the idiots who are still writing about the drama that went before will figure out that I now own this blog and I don't give a rat's fucking ass about some loser or what anyone said about him or if anyone agrees or disagrees with what was said. Who could possibly be so fucking important that anyone would give enough of a shit to comment? No one I know.