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This template was robbed from this chick

Templates by Marina

January 31, 2005

All fucking day long I looked for a work space. I had to go all through Cedarville and the Westside. I think I may have found a few. One of them is legit but will cost about $300 a month. The other is a complete fucking rathole that should be condemned and probably doesn't even have decent electricity or running water. I'll probably take that. I'll have to figure out if I'm going to keep this or loft it. I'll probably loft it. It would be easier to loft a shithole than anything legit. Heat's the only problem but I think I have a solution to that. I hope it rains again soon so I can check it for leaks.

The only other problem is bringing any chicks back to the hole. Chicks don't seem to mind coming back here but they don't stay. That's fine by me. I don't need a cushy pad. I just need a place to work and sleep and take a shit. I can install a surfer's shower over the drain. There's a counter over by the back wall where I can put my microwave and toaster oven. I'll have to get a hotplate. I can throw in a small fridge. Cable's gonna be another problem. I'll have to either hijack or set up a dish. A dish would be a dead slam I'm lofting. Well, no other choice but to hijack. It should be cool. Yup. I think I'm gonna do it tomorrow.

The Shadow knows 1:26 AM

January 28, 2005

Some idiots wrote me a bunch of emails today about some other idiot. I guess that's what I get for taking over a blog. Glad the blog straightened it's ass out. I knew the code would flush overnight. Hopefully all the idiots who are still writing about the drama that went before will figure out that I now own this blog and I don't give a rat's fucking ass about some loser or what anyone said about him or if anyone agrees or disagrees with what was said. Who could possibly be so fucking important that anyone would give enough of a shit to comment? No one I know.

I'll tell you what's important to comment on. Alex is turning 5. I'll be there. Will you?

Today was a basic day. I woke up late. It was past noon before I rolled off the couch. My bed is covered with the latest project. I need a work space. I went down to the Potholder and while I was waiting for my breakfast I saw an ex of mine. She was with another ex of mine. I didn't know they knew each other. I don't give a fuck. For a half a second I wondered if they'd gotten to know each other by talking shit about me but then I remembered that I don't give a fuck. I hope they enjoy each other's company. I don't hold anything against either of them.

So then a guy I know came in and sat with me. He told me he had a lot of jobs lined up. They're all a lie. He's hard up. I thought about throwing him a client I can't stand. I'll think about it. It's either throw the client out the window or throw this guy a bone.

I'm going up to Silverlake tomorrow. I have to find the right kind of silkscreen frame for the big project. I also need the right tone of browns. Maybe I should have my friend's dog just come over and shit in the bucket. Then later when they analyze my art like in The Red Violin I'll become the famous shit artist. They'll tell everyone my art is shit and I'll just think to myself Goddamn right it is, fucker. That would amuse me

The Shadow knows 9:42 PM

I have inherited a blog. I took it over. It was abandoned. I've picked stuff up before. I have a pair of boots I picked up behind Yankee Doodle's when I was 19. I have a shitload of vinyl scavenged from the ends of the Earth. No. That's a lie. Just from the ends of Western Europe, DC, Seattle, New York, LA, and Tijuana.

So this guy bunky is a jerkoff. Fine. His muse finally flew away. She couldn't stand his freak ass anymore.

This is my blog now. I don't know what I'll be doing with it yet. I just spent over an hour attempting to update the template. Blogger is uncooperative. I don't like that. I tried all the tricks I know. It's up to Blogger to do it's part and I guess they're taking a nap or sitting on the stool.

Fuck 'em.

I'll bet the shit will flush tonight when peaks are over.

The Shadow knows 1:03 AM